Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When 22 Degrees is a Blessing...

In case I haven't told you, like, a thousand times, I'm a Floridian. I was not made for cold. I don't DO cold. So when I signed up for an April half marathon, it was bigger than the distance-it was me committing to run through a Northern winter in the very very cold, often sub-freezing temperatures.

Today while I was whining to one of my Florida friends about the current temp (14 at the time. That's FOUR-TEEN!!!! As in 18 BELOW freezing!), I was also whining about the fact that I have a 10K on the running calendar for today. Then she told me something that snapped me out of my whining. One of her family members, who I simply adore, has been battling Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She was in remission for the last few years...WAS being the operative word here. It's back. The horrible battle with this awful disease is starting over again for their family. I have no words to express how upset I am - for myself and the thought of possibly losing this woman who I rarely see but love and adore, and for her family who I love as my own and knowing the path they are walking now and may walk in the future. It makes you want to curl up in a ball and just cry. And that's when my friend reminded me that I should be grateful that I get to go run in sub-freezing temps, because it means I CAN RUN!

I'm not battling cancer. I'm not crippled. I have asthma, but it doesn't impede my ability to run. I have Celiac Disease, which forces me to eat cleaner than ever. When I tell my legs to run, they do. Sometimes they scream back at me in protest, but they move. I don't run like the wind, I'm probably not graceful like the pros, and I know there are days I whine about it a lot. But I CAN!

In a couple hours I'm going to put on lots of layers of warm running gear and two layers of socks. I'll lace up my shoes. Then I'll add head and ear protection, a neck garter to breathe through, and a wind breaking layer on top of all that. Then I'll start running. By the end of the first mile a layer will come off because I ALWAYS overdress for the cold. And I'll just keep running until today's goal is met. Every mile will be a reminder of how blessed I am and every mile will come with a prayer for the people in my world who aren't as lucky as I am. Because today, I GET to run in 22 Degree weather!

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